Saturday, September 26, 2009

Secret of Spainish Blades, Swords by Christophe Clugston

Wow, it's been one hot topic over the past few years. In fact, I first thought that the interest in this topic would be huge.

Then after starting to explain the topic to some poeple I got the feeling that it was far too arcane. At the time, Alex was very certain that the information was beyond the interest of the majorityh of people.

I had done a few semianrs about the Spanish Circle School. I had also done personal training covering the blade work. It was impressive with everyone and it really had an impact. But, I felt that it was the type of person that was doing it. It was certainly a very specific niche of fighting.

Man, was I wrong. The general interest in the Spanish Blade Work is overwhelming. It's been hidden for so long--that poeple are ready to be exposed to the best swordsmen in history.

I will be putting out more on this topic.

Here's a group in Spain that are bringing back part of the Blades.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

The Next Big Thing in Fighting by Christophe Clugston

Ohh, I've been working on this for some time. I've been extremelyu busy with some adventures and personal research. But, as they say in the world of research, it's time to tlak a little about what is going to be available.

I've taken the next swtep to the most advanced fighting and self defense technology on the planet. Yeah, that's right---CXS has a new dimensional level to its overall design.

Now, those of you who only read about CXS have to keep in mind that there is no film of it, there are no DVs about it---it is very limited to a small group of people that I know personally.

I will not let this get out of the immeadaite control that I have over such personal contact.

YOu must understand VDA to attempt CXS---the reasons are apparewnt to those that are in CXS Bewta. (This is my personal group of guys who have been handed the keys to the jet power of the Raptor--to use a strange anaology).

Well, the new level is CXS-M. This is a fine tuned delivery of what works. It is also taking the skills that you have in CXS and putting them into a newer and higher level of performance. This is about being able to really clear the area.

This i no HYPE.

I want to let out to those that have the interest and who are READY for this level of skill and power that this will be available to those who are qualified.

I am about to make it possible for privatge training to gain this.

I will also be considering Semianrs to the already CXS trained.

Sorry, qualification is necessary.

Believe me, I will shock and amaze you , yet again.

THere's a reason why people consider me the Mozxart of Self Defense and street fighting technologies.

And this is a fine example.

Monday, September 21, 2009

Wild Death in Cambodia by Christophe Clugston

Hey, I've been away fromj this for some time and let me tell you that I've seen more reality up close and personal than most of you outside of active war duty will ever see.

People dragged through the streets under the smashing tires of a car. Motor cycles crushed into little balls of metal while the drivers are hurled 40 meters through the air. Guns brought out in the 3am darkness of a former Khmer Rouge hold out.

Let me tell you, it's a damn violent world. And it's not just here--it's here that the reality is shown to you. Collapse the banking, take aqway the homes, run short on gasoline, run out of food and your neighbors are going to be doing the same to you.

The way to stop it?

Prepare at a personal level.