Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Can you Learn anything from an Elephant

I have a lot of people ask me about all sorts of things. I mean, you know I do some pretty interesting things. I was just dealing with a flat on the motorcycle. It doesn't get any more interesting than that, now does it?

Okay, so after dealing with that Honda flat tire--I am back to deal with the questions.
Sometime I hear a lot about "so you travel a lot." "yes, yes, I do." "So what have you learned?" Well isn't that about as open as an open air concert at the Grand Canyon in Arizona, USA? I mean what do they want to know about? Some of the things I have been reading about how physics was stood on its head--and it wasn't by Einstein. How Einstein nearly had a breakdown about certain equations?

No, these people know me either as that marital arts guy or that linguistics guy. The two fields share a lot commonality: you can't fake yourself in either (go on speak to me in a language that you don't know, go ahead and do some movements that your uncoordinated body is faking).

Anyway, I wrote a little letter that is going out to people on my list about how I learned a thing or two traveling around where there are Elephants and Tigers.

I would tell you all about it here--but you just aren't worthy? Ha, got you there, didn't I? Actually, I am tired of typing. I got to get teh Speech Recognition sorted.

Well, okay--until the next time.
Learn a thing or two will you

Friday, May 20, 2011

Fighting the Way

It's been some time since I've commented on fighting. I've been too busy with other endeavors that have kept me very busy. I am on Face Book for those that want to get my biggest news on a more updated basis.

Anyway, I've got to tell you that I've gone back to the evolutions that were there long ago when I tackled Combat JKD. It's all very clear to me what was going on as Comhrac Bas took over from CB JKD. Now that we are at the zenith of platforms, CXS there is all the previous but in a far more ordered fashion.

It really is the key to how the ingredients and in their order that makes the recipe work.

So, stay tuned.

Monday, December 6, 2010

How Big Is Your World, Really?

So, let's take a look at my World and tell me how big you've made your World.
The Map may not show in it's entirety.

Friday, October 29, 2010

Maximize MMA Training with Xplosion

I read an article by a well thought of MMA coach (Rooney)in the article he details what is the best form of training. Guess what? Well, he validates exactly what I was doing back in 1996 and put on film in 1997 (when I was to fight in the UFC).

Here's a little more

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Working OUt with the Idol, Stallone by Christophe Clugston

There are some people that really have changed an entire society. Stallone did this when he started bringing the more defined and muscular style to the Big Screen. Arnold was another person that helped to change the entire idea of what was "body good" in the West. The runner's type body had been thought to be sexy before that. Now, I have to hold him up as a model of excellence. Compare yourself to him--and then look at the difference in years: he's the one who sets the standards, not you, my friend.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

The Battle that left Blood and Death Everywhere while it changed a Country by Christophe Clugston

As you should know I research Occidental battles, warfare, dueling and fighting methods. Too many people have given in to the propaganda machine from the Orient. Sorry, but the history of Empires and language spread is directly tied to warfare and the Occidental World did this better than anyone else.

Speaking of languages and warfate--here is something that is in Anglo-Saxon (Old English) about a battle that turned the history for what is modern day England.

The mere rendering of the words connects to me in some sort of Jungian Archetype.

Does this connect to you? Or were you even aware of this?

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Language: What are you talking about--the numbers, fool by Christophe Clugston

Ok, ok,, ok. I got a lot of mail asking me about what language would be good for someone to learn. And the answer depends on a lot of variables: 1) What languages do you already speak? 2) What level of ability to you wish to obtain? 3) Where do you live? Will you use the language on a daily basis? 4) Are you serious about learning a new language? 5) Are you ready for the amount of actual time it will take to hold a real conversation with a normal person on the bus, train, or at a bar?

Now, to clue people into what is important in the World, I have included a link to an article that talks about the WLs. These are the only thing that I am interested in any more. I have studied over 49 languages--but it diminishes my ability on the ones that are more important.

This research was done in the early 90s and it was published in mid 90s so many factors have changed (the numbers for Spanish are off, for example). No matter, this will give you a clear insight into what is going on at there in this big World of Language.