Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Some Hard Polyglot Training by Christophe Clugston

Well, keeping in the vein of languages and training hard I present a little hard core reality. This is one man's mental workout. If you ever asked me what it takes to know several languages and keep them going--well here's your answer.

I will talk mroe about this topic in the future--but that will first go to the Inner Core. So join the Inner Core to get the best information.

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Christophe Clugston in Martial Arts Odyssey: Boxing Linguist with Antonio Graceffo

Well, it sure took a long time for Antonio and I to have a camera moment. We had planned to shoot in Cmaobida and then in Thailand--well, it just didn't happen like that. We did get a fast moment in Bnagkok (yeah this was the third time we tried to film in Thailand together) and just started the camera rolling. We had a lot to say. Even bits about our mutual friend, the elusive and somewhat perverse Robert Clyne (noted host of Fight Japan and Fight Asia).

Here then is the video. Click through and leave a comment if you want.