Friday, May 20, 2011

Fighting the Way

It's been some time since I've commented on fighting. I've been too busy with other endeavors that have kept me very busy. I am on Face Book for those that want to get my biggest news on a more updated basis.

Anyway, I've got to tell you that I've gone back to the evolutions that were there long ago when I tackled Combat JKD. It's all very clear to me what was going on as Comhrac Bas took over from CB JKD. Now that we are at the zenith of platforms, CXS there is all the previous but in a far more ordered fashion.

It really is the key to how the ingredients and in their order that makes the recipe work.

So, stay tuned.


  1. Do you know how to fight? I'm serious!

    Is there any video of you in a REAL fight? I'm not talking about some sparing match with some skinny CPA looking dude in a land where the average man is 5'8" tall and weights 140lbs. I'm talking about a fight where some guy is trying to bash your head and there is no ref trying to separate you two because you got tangled up and the fight went to the ground.

    I'm also not talking about stories. Every Dojo/training hall etc. has stories. Stories are just that, stories, they are not proof.

    I ask you this because after viewing some of your videos, I came across a video with you and your friend Antonio Graceffo.

    Now I wouldn't call Antonio Graceffo a fake, he does have some knowledge, but I wouldn't call him a fighter either. Yes, he does know about Muay Thai, Kung fu and some other Martial arts, but knowing these arts doesn't make you a real fighter just like knowing several language doesn't make you a real linguist.

    If there are any videos, please do tell


  2. I’m interested to see what you have going on. Any hints? Currently I’m putting on an event, taking JKD instructors with different perspectives, and all teaching at one event. Check it out here if you want: . Good luck with your journey!
